A team from the New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service has created a new game to improve knowledge and behavior around food safety among the next generation of food handlers.

Food Service Game

NMSU Extension launches new food safety game for youth

A team from the New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service has created a new game to improve knowledge and behavior around food safety among the next generation of food handlers. (Image: Courtesy)

Source: NMSU News Release

The media production team from NMSU’s Innovation Media Research and Extension and Learning Games Lab in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences developed “Theme Park Kitchen” to help middle school youth learn about food storage and preparation, safe cooking times for meat, poultry and fish, and how to avoid cross-contamination. The game, which was funded through a U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture New Technologies for Agriculture Extension grant, teaches food safety in engaging ways and helps youth internalize safe practices.

“Youth prepare food for themselves and their families, and may also be future workers in the food industry,” said Matheus Cezarotto, Educational Technology Extension specialist with Innovative Media Research and Extension. 

“Youth learn cooking and food handling behavior from those around them, who may also be unaware of the importance of food safety and proper processes. To address this need, our team developed ‘Theme Park Kitchen,’ an online learning game that teaches youth food safety practices in engaging ways,” Cezarotto said. “Players explore the endearing world of a theme park while prepping and serving food of increasing complexity. As the they learn the ropes, they must remember which actions add or remove contamination, to keep their customers safe.” 

A redesign of “Ninja Kitchen,” which launched in 2011, “Theme Park Kitchen” is more accessible, enhances the diversity of representation and avoids cultural stereotyping. During the game’s creation, NMSU Learning Games Lab team worked with 40 local youth to test and provide feedback of the game. 

“Ninja Kitchen,” which was retired in 2021, was one of the Learning Games Lab’s most popular products and was used four million times during its lifetime.

To learn more or play the game, visit https://themeparkkitchen.org

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