Tax Holiday weekend starts Friday, August 2. Here are some of the schools’ requested supply lists.

Tax Holiday

Tax Free Weekend is August 2nd through 4th–Las Cruces Generalized, Hatch Elementary Supply Lists Enclosed

As of Wednesday, August 31st, all area public schools are in session. Tax Free Weekend is intended to help ease the burden of back-to-school expenses. Below, please find some selected supply lists available to Las Cruces Digest at the time of publication. [Note: For Gadsden ISD, supply lists are provided on a school-by-school basis, so please refer to your child’s school for requested supplies.]

Sources: Principal’s Pen Newsletter (Hatch Elementary), Las Cruces Public Schools and New Mexico Tax and Revenue

(Jump to Tax Free Weekend announcement)
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Las Cruces Public Schools Generalized Supply List

Elementary School Supply List Kindergarten
10 #2 Pencils
3 wide-ruled composition notebooks
1 box of 8 crayons
2 glue sticks
1 pair of child-safe scissors
1 box of Kleenex
1 refillable water bottle (Optional)
1 backpack

Elementary School Generalized Supply List (Generalized for 1st – 5th Grade)
24 #2 Pencils
1 pencil box
2 glue sticks
1 box of 24 crayons
1 box of colored pencils (3-5th grade only)
1 box of washable markers 8-count (3rd – 5th only)
1 highlighter (3rd – 5th only)
1 pair of child-safe scissors
4 folders with pockets and 3-hole punched
1 package wide-ruled lined paper
4 wide-ruled composition notebooks
1 backpack
1 refillable water bottle (Optional)

Middle School Supply List (Generalized for 6th – 8th grade)
12 #2 Pencils
1 package of Blue or Black Pens
1 package of paper
1 combination lock FOR PE ONLY (check with your child’s school to see if it is needed)
1 backpack
1 refillable water bottle (Optional)

High School Supply List (Generalized for 9th – 12th Grade)
1 package of blue or black pens
1 package of pencils with erasers (mechanical or standard)
1 refillable water bottle (Optional)
1 backpack
Supply needs vary depending on classes. Students should check with individual teachers on the first day of class for specific supply requirements.

*Other supplies may be required by individual teachers
*Students should also bring their LCPS issued technology

Hatch Elementary 2024-25 General School Supply List

Tax Holiday
Back to School Tax Free Holiday

Coming soon to a retail store near you is the annual New Mexico Gross Receipts Tax Holiday.  If you have school-age children, it’s nothing short of a bonanza. For that weekend the state suspends collection of gross receipts tax on sales of qualifying items so you can buy the items tax free. Because many merchants also absorb the tax on a number of non-qualifying items, you are the beneficiary all around.

The tax holiday begins at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, August 2, 2024 and concludes on Sunday, August 4, 2024 at midnight.

During that time the law provides a deduction from gross receipts for retail sales of qualifying tangible personal property; in effect allowing the retailer to sell the items “tax free.”

FYI-203,Gross Receipts Tax Holiday contains list divided into categories, but please note that within some categories there is a set dollar maximum. To qualify for the deduction, clothing or shoes must be priced at less than $100 per unit. The price limit for desktop, laptop, tablets or notebook computers is $1,000, and for related computer hardware it is $500. School supplies for use in standard, general-education classrooms must be under $30 per unit. There are items specifically excluded by statute in all categories. Those items are always taxable.

For more specific information on the legislation, definitions, types of sales, (rain checks, exchanges, refunds, gift cards, layaways, Internet, mail order and telephone sales) please see FYI-203,Gross Receipts Tax Holiday.

Spilling Beans

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