The Creative Media Institute at New Mexico State University is hosting an upcoming open casting call from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 17 in Milton Hall. This casting call aims to expand the CMI actor database, providing an avenue for individuals interested in acting to showcase their talents. These auditions will play a pivotal…

ACTORS WANTED: NMSU hosts open casting call for upcoming films

The Creative Media Institute at New Mexico State University is hosting an upcoming open casting call from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 17 in Milton Hall on campus. This casting call aims to expand the actor database available for student-led films.

Source: NMSU News Release
WRITER: Chloe D. Dunlap, 575-646-1614,
SOURCE: Kyle Ivy,  

The Creative Media Institute at New Mexico State University is hosting an upcoming open casting call from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 17 in Milton Hall.
This casting call aims to expand the CMI actor database, providing an avenue for individuals interested in acting to showcase their talents. These auditions will play a pivotal role in supporting student-led film projects scheduled to begin in March and April.
CMI is building on its reputation to make southern New Mexico a Mecca for filmmaking. Last semester, students worked with CMI professor Ross Marks to direct “The Santa Assist,” a feel-good holiday story, which features Santa Claus sending his reluctant cowboy cousin Colton on a mission to bring holiday cheer to a small town in New Mexico.
The film, to be released in late November, employed 26 NMSU students who filled many roles from costume designers to prop masters and production assistants.
The casting data base will help to provide a home-grown pool of actors to participate in future film projects.
No prior experience is required to audition, and walk-ins are welcome. To secure an audition time slot, visit All auditions will be recorded and include professional photography. For any further inquiries, contact

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