For a handful of Artesia players, they will have one more opportunity to step onto field at the Bulldog Bowl. Joining them will be 17 local student athletes from five different schools.

Bulldog Bowl

Artesia’s Bulldog Bowl to Spotlight Seventeen Locals Selected for NMHSCA Red vs Green High School Football All-Star Games on December 7

Ever since they abandoned the “North/South” format, the All-Star games have done nothing but make answering the official question of the State of New Mexico that much more difficult. [Las Cruces Digest picks… (see answer, below)]

Source: New Mexico High School Coaches Association
Cover Photo Courtesy Artesia Public Schools

In case you didn’t know, Artesia is ground zero for New Mexico high school football. The Artesia Bulldogs finished this season runners-up in Class 5A, falling to perennial rival Roswell in the championship game just down the road. Fortunately for a handful of Artesia players, they will have one more opportunity to step onto field at the Bulldog Bowl for the New Mexico High School Coaches Association (NMHSCA) All-Star Game… Red vs. Green.

Joining them will be 17 local student athletes from five different schools.

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Centennial High School Hawks

One more high school game for the following Hawk football players! (Courtesy Centennial Hawk Football via Facebook)

Las Cruces High School Bulldawgs

Huge congratulations to our six Bulldawgs selected to the NM All-Star game!! You all deserve it, and we’re so proud of you! (Nate Libby, Riley Mendez, Joaquin Wofford, Dalin Walter, Joshua Quintero and Brenden Franco) Pictures courtesy of Rich Chavez Photography (Courtesy Las Cruces Bulldawg Football #1)

Gadsden High School Panthers

This senior is not done – Freddy Andrade has been selected to the NMHSCA All-Star Game where he will represent Gadsden on Team Green! (Courtesy Panther Nation Football via Facebook)

Mayfield High School Trojans

[Please Note: The NMHCA website still lists 3 pm on December 7th for the start time for the Large School game.]

Congratulations to our very own Luke Linnan!
We are so proud to announce that Luke has been selected as an All-Star athlete to play on the Green Team in the Red vs. Green All-Star Game this Saturday, December 7th, at the Bulldog Bowl in Artesia! (Courtesy Mayfield Trojan Football via Facebook)

MVCS SonBlazers

Mesilla Valley Christian School SonBlazers

  • Davis Coyle (DE/Outside Linebacker), Red (Small School)
  • Jude Herrera (At Large Defense), Red (Small School)

How do the locals match up?

The coaches have managed to spread our local talent among the two teams, making it particularly difficult to pick a color. The picks made below are simply observations that Las Cruces Digest is excited to see played out on the field, and while there will be a score at the end of the game, we would like to acknowledge that all of these student athletes have proven themselves winners merely by their selection. Congratulations!

Red Offense versus Green Defense
(Large School)

Red Offense

  • Rudy Rios (Runningback), Centennial
  • Sultan Arenas (Center), Centennial
  • Rylee Mendez (Offensive Line), Las Cruces
  • Nathan Libby (Receiver), Las Cruces

Green Defense

  • Abel Gonzalez (Defensive Line), Centennial
  • Omar Terrones (Secondary), Centennial

Focusing on local talent, the Red Offense is more stacked with local talent than the Green Defense; however, the Centennial defensive line has been the most underestimated factor in high school football all season. It is rare for those in the trenches to be recognized, but if you have the opportunity to re-watch Centennial’s games on LCPS TV, you will be a clinic on how defensive lines can create havoc on the opposition. Abel Gonzalez is the only member of the Hawk defensive front selected for this year’s All-Star game, and Las Cruces Digest has a hard time looking over what we’ve witnessed all season. To boot, added to the Green Defense is a smattering of players from Roswell and Artesia. Las Cruces Digest Picks: Green Defense

Green Offense versus Red Defense
(Large School)

Green Offense

  • Zaiden Davis (Quarterback), Centennial
  • Alfredo Andrade (Runningback), Gadsden
  • Josh Quintero (Center), Las Cruces
  • Cruz Seguro (Offensive Line), Centennial
  • Joaquin Wofford (Offensive Line), Las Cruces
  • Jordan Lucas (Slot), Centennial
  • Luke Linnan (At-Large), Mayfield

Red Defense

  • Brenden Franco (Defensive Line), Las Cruces
  • Dalin Walker (Inside Linebacker), Las Cruces

The Green Offense is the closest thing to a “South Team” we’ve seen in a very long time. Centennial QB Zaiden Davis has fellow Hawk at Slot Receiver (Jordan Lucas); this is dangerous to defenses. Add Gadsden RB Andrade to the backfield and two Bulldawg offensive linemen (including Center Josh Quintero), and the Green Team is looking more like a “Dream Team” . Las Cruces High School has built a strong tradition of having and exceptional O-line, and having two of them on the line with this backfield will be something worth the drive to Artesia to watch. Las Cruces Digest Picks: Green Offense

Red vs. Green
(Small School)

The Red Team is stacked with SonBlazers Coyle and Herrera. While they hail from an 8-Man league, they play true “iron man” football, and unleashing them on defense only is going to be something worth seeing. Las Cruces Digest Picks: Red Team (Small School)

Complete List of Large School Selections

Red Offense (Large School)

Offensive LineEzraHensleyDeming
Offensive LineEstevanBacaABQ High
Offensive LineGabrielMarquezCleveland
Offensive LineRyleeMendezLas Cruces
Offensive LineKylerPickeringHobbs
ReceiverNathanLibbyLas Cruces
ReceiverJadenParsonsLa Cueva
Tight endJohnBacaCleveland
PunterJaxonSmithLa Cueva
At LargeMichaelDellerSt. Pius

Red Defense (Large School)

Def. LinePsalmonKeglerCleveland
Def. LineNoahLynnRoswell
Def. LineJuan VigilValley
Def. LineBrendenFrancoLas Cruces
Inside LinebackerDalinWalterLas Cruces
Inside LinebackerDanielRiosVolcano Vista
Inside LinebackerLoganGosnellBloomfield
Inside LinebackerSebastianOcunaDeming
DE/Outside LinebackerMckellColbertBloomfield
DE/Outside LinebackerThomasPettusVolcano Vista
DE/Outside LinebackerMason GreathouseRoswell
DE/Outside LinebackerMicah HoffmanCleveland
At LargeKevinCumoEldorado

Green Offense (Large School)

RunningbackAmiri MumbaHighland
RunningbackCheetoLumbreraLa Cueva
CenterRonThomasRio Rancho
CenterJoshQuinteroLas Cruces
Offensive LineCruzSeguraCentennial
Offensive LineJoaquinWoffordLas Cruces
Offensive LineXanderOrquizPiedra Vista
Offensive LineAbrahamSantanaBloomfield
Offensive LineKyleValdezLos Lunas
ReceiverAkimLeijaLos Alamos
ReceiverBryanThomasSt. Pius
ReceiverDejuanHowardLos Lunas
ReceiverJacePittRio Rancho
Tight endDavidButlerRio Rancho
At LargeLukeLinnanMayfield

Green Defense (Large School)

Def. LineAbelGonzalezCentennial
Def. LineAidanMartinezLos Lunas
Def. LineRickyScrogginsManzano
Def. LineKadenGranthemArtesia
Inside LinebackerNickMertzLa Cueva
Inside LinebackerBrendan CochraneCleveland
Inside LinebackerGabrielTrujilloBernalillo
Inside LinebackerGrantJohnsonArtesia
DE/Outside LinebackerTristanDavisHobbs
DE/Outside LinebackerKieganNicholsRoswell
DE/Outside LinebackerCarlosBarelaLa Cueva
DE/Outside LinebackerAidan RutleyRoswell
SecondaryCadenArmijoLa Cueva
SecondarySojanThompsonWest Mesa
At LargeAlexLopezHighland

Las Cruces Digest wanted to be sure to acknowledge those students who work the sidelines–the sports medicine students. Our broader community had four selections to a field of 8 student sports medicine students. We have a long tradition of success in sports medicine; this year is not exception. Congratulations, students! (Thank you for taking care of our players as they travel to Artesia for this All-Star game.)

Sports Medicine Selections

MiaSanchezLas Cruces 
SofiaSanchez Las Cruces 
Alejandra Amaya Alamogordo 
Mackenzie StittAlamogordo 
Toni WilderAlamogordo 

Local Sports
Football All-Star Games
Date: Saturday, December 7, 2024
Location:  Bulldog Bowl, Artesia, NM
  • 12:00 pm:  Small School Red vs. Green Game
  • 3:00 pm: Large School Red vs. Green Game

Tickets: $12.00-Online Sales Only. No Cash. 


Large School Head Coaches:

  • RED TEAM: Richard Perales- Deming
  • GREEN TEAM: Philip Lovato- Highland 

Small School Head Coaches:

  • GREEN TEAM: Drew Hatley- Melrose
  • RED TEAM: Sonny Duran- Dexter

Ticket Prices are $12.00 ALL AGES  (Credit Card Only – 5 & UNDER ARE FREE) 


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