Centennial, Organ Mountain and Hatch Valley High remain in striking distance as a very busy month of May rapidly approaches.

Las Cruces High School

At the end of the Winter Sports Season, Las Cruces High School Holds Slim Lead in the 23-24 “Copa de Vecinos”

Centennial, Organ Mountain and Hatch Valley High remain in striking distance as a very busy month of May rapidly approaches. (Photo: Courtesy Wikipedia)

A Las Cruces Digest Exclusive

La Copa de Vecinos 23-24

[Note: “La Copa de Vecinos” is not endorsed, affiliated or sanctioned by the New Mexico Activities Association nor any of the schools or school districts represented in the competition.]

La Copa de Vecinos ( or “Neigbors Cup”) is a competition among our local scholastic sports teams. Since our local schools compete in different NMAA Classes and Divisions, teams earn points for finishing in the top three (3) in their respective Districts (regardless of Class). 1st in District earns 3 pts, 2nd/2pts and 3rd/1pt. Individual and match/meet/tournament sports (such as wrestling, golf, tennis, swimming and track & field), earn points when a student athlete competes at State in his/her/their sport or event (½pt per competitor participating per event). A 5pt. bonus is awarded for each individual or team who wins a State Championship.

Current Standings

  1. LCHS: State Champions Volleyball, State Champion Girls Wrestling(Alyssa Sedillo), 1st Volleyball, 1st Girls Soccer, 2nd Football (32 individual State qualifiers); OMHS: State Champions Co-Ed Cheer, 2nd Boys Soccer, 2nd Volleyball, 3rd Girls Soccer, 1st Boys Basketball, 2nd Girls Basketball (25 individual State qualifiers); STHS: 1st Boys Soccer, 1st Volleyball, 1st Girls Soccer, 3rd Football, 2nd Boys Basketball (14 Individual State qualifiers); Cent: State Champion Powerlifing (Zantelle Rodriguez); 1st Boys Soccer, 1st Football, 3rd Volleyball, 3rd Boys Basketball (27 individual State qualifiers); MVCS: 1st Football, 1st Volleyball, 3rd Boys Basketball; HVHS: 3 State Champions Powerlifting (Juan Polino, Ignacio Pinon and Elizabeth Elias); 2nd Boys Soccer, 2nd Girls Soccer, 3rd Football, 3rd Girls Basketball (11 individual State qualifiers); MHS: State Champion Powerlifing (Taylor Rogers); 2nd Girls Soccer, 3rd Boys Soccer, 1st Girls Basketball (22 individual State qualifiers); Chap: 2nd Boys Soccer, 3rd Girls Basketball, 3rd Boys Basketball (8 individual State qualifiers); GHS: 2nd Football (11 individual State qualifiers); ↩︎

Five Spring Sports remain as the competition among the high schools in our broader community heats up: Baseball, Softball, Golf, Tennis and Track & Field. All of these sports will be concluded a little over a month from now, so stay tuned to Las Cruces Digest to see which school will take home “the Cup”!

Spilling Beans

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