A 5.0 earthquake hit Toyah, Texas at 10:23PM, and was followed by a 2.6 aftershock at 10:28PM. Facebook posts reporting shaking was felt in our broader community of Las Cruces all the way to Ruidoso.

Breaking: 5.0 Earthquake in Toyah, Texas felt all the way in Las Cruces

5.0 earthquake hits Toyah, Texas at 10:23PM, and was followed by a 2.6 aftershock at 10:28PM. Facebook posts reporting shaking was felt in our broader community of Las Cruces all the way to Ruidoso.

Source: Facebook, USGS

2.6, 54 km NW of Toyah, Texas, 2025-02-14 22:28:16 (UTC-07:00)4.2 km 

5.0, 53 km NW of Toyah, Texas, 2025-02-14 22:23:21 (UTC-07:00)6.6 km

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