Autumn Gieb, Office Assistant for Parks & Recreation Admin Office, is one of the top nominees in the New Mexico Entertainment Awards for Theater-Costume Designer.  

Autumn Gieb

Cariño to Autumn Gieb, Office Assistant, Parks and Recreation

City of Las Cruces

TO:  Autumn Gieb, Office Assistant, Parks and Recreation

FROM:  Hazel Nevarez, Senior Office Manager, Parks and Recreation

Autumn Gieb, Office Assistant for Parks & Recreation Admin Office, is one of the top nominees in the New Mexico Entertainment Awards for Theater-Costume Designer.  

The New Mexico Entertainment Magazine Awards is an annual event that recognizes and celebrates individuals, businesses, and organizations who contribute to the vibrant events and entertainment scene in New Mexico. This formal gala honors winners in various categories, including events, live entertainment, film, radio, music, comedy, arts, books, and nightlife. Their objective is to spotlight the talented individuals and groups within our state who consistently deliver high-quality entertainment and events for the community. Votes for Autumn can be done through the following link:

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