Streets Management had Kristy call in about potholes on Madrid Avenue between Martha Drive and Triviz Drive. She said they were getting bad. We sent out the pothole crew (Gil Medina, Trent McCormick and Ben Carrillo) to deal with the situation. The next day Kristy called back saying she and some of the people on…


Cariño to Gil Medina, Trent McCormick and Ben Carrillo, Road Construction, Public Works

City of Las Cruces

To: Gil Medina, Trent McCormick and Ben Carrillo, Road Construction, Public Works

From:  Pam Marshall, Administrative Assistant, Public Works

Streets Management had Kristy call in about potholes on Madrid Avenue between Martha Drive and Triviz Drive. She said they were getting bad. We sent out the pothole crew (Gil Medina, Trent McCormick and Ben Carrillo) to deal with the situation. The next day Kristy called back saying she and some of the people on her street never expected the road to be repaired that quickly.

Thank you!

Spilling Beans

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