Elyn created, modified, corrected, and adjusted maps and property documentation in support of the grant application.

Elyn Clarke Cariño

City of Las Cruces says “Cariño” to Elyn Clarke, GIS Tech 1, Parks and Recreation

Elyn created, modified, corrected, and adjusted maps and property documentation in support of the grant application.

Souce: City of Las Cruces
City of Las Cruces

TO:  Elyn Clarke, GIS Tech 1, Parks and Recreation

FROM:  Hazel Nevarez, Sr Office Manager, Parks and Recreation

I commend Elyn Clarke as a Parks and Recreation Adelante con Carino employee. Elyn is a major reason the City is soon to be awarded a Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) grant from the National Park Service (NPS) through the New Mexico State Parks. The grant will be awarded for implementing the master plan for improvements at Benavidez Community Center Park at Second St and McClure Ave. Award notification is anticipated on May 1, 2024.

Elyn created, modified, corrected, and adjusted maps and property documentation in support of the grant application. Numerous times throughout the application process Elyn expertly handled requests for information, documentation, and map creation illustrating the site and our intentions to renovate and improve the park. With a very quick turnaround time, Elyn responded to requests from NPS for additional or modified information and maps. She cheerfully and with a good attitude handled the requests and created excellent documentation supporting the project and the grant application to bring much-needed recreational amenities to the neighborhoods surrounding Benavidez Community Center Park.

Catherine Burr Mathews, PLA

Landscape Architect / Special Projects / Parks and Recreation

Spilling Beans

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