Looking for ways to do business with USDA that saves you time? Look no further than farmers.gov.  

Conduct Business Online Through the Farmers.gov Portal 

Looking for ways to do business with USDA that saves you time? Look no further than farmers.gov.  

Source: New Mexico Department of Agriculture

When you create an account for the farmers.gov authenticated customer portal, you have access to self-service features through a secure login. Managing your business with USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is faster than ever. From e-signing documents, viewing, printing, and exporting maps and receiving notifications of payment disbursements, a farmers.gov authenticated account makes doing business with USDA easy and secure.

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 What can you do with your farmers.gov account?

  • View FSA Farm Loan information including interest payments, loan advances, payment history and paid-in-full/restructured loans.  Make USDA direct farm loan payments using the Pay My Loan feature.  
  • Access the Online Loan Application portal
  • View, print and export detailed FSA farm records and farm/tract maps.  
  • Import precision agriculture planting boundaries, create labels containing crop information, and print both on farm tract maps.  View and print your FSA-156EZ with farm details 
  • View and print your Producer Farm Data Report 
  • View NRCS Disbursements and Farm Loans financial activity from the past 180 days. 
  • View your land, access NRCS data on your conservation plans, contracts, and planning land units through the Conservation Land Area page. 
  • View, upload, download and e-sign NRCS documents. 
  • Request NRCS conservation and financial assistance, including submitting a program application. 
  • View detailed information on all previous and ongoing NRCS contracts, including the amount of cost- share assistance received and anticipated; and even request contract modifications, report practice completion and request practice certification. 
  • “Switch Profiles” to act on behalf of your entity or another individual when you have active representative authority on file. 

If you’d like to see the features in action and learn more about how to use them, check out the 3-5 minute farmers.gov account video tutorials.

How do you create a farmers.gov account? 

Visit farmers.gov/account to access information about farmers.gov accounts and sign in to the site’s authenticated portal. You will need a Login.gov account linked to your USDA customer record to access your farmers.gov authenticated site. Customers who are new to USDA should visit Get Started at Your USDA Service Center, then go to farmers.gov/account to create a farmers.gov account.

To create a farmers.gov account you will need: 

  • A USDA individual customer record — A customer record contains information you have given to USDA to do business with them, like your name, address, phone number, and any legal representative authority relationships. Contact your local USDA Service Center to make sure you have an individual USDA customer record on file and your information is up to date.
  • A Login.gov account — Login.gov is a sign-in service that gives people secure online access to participating government programs. You can create a Login.gov account linked to your customer record by following the directions on farmers.gov/account
  • Identity Verification — You can choose to verify your identity with Login.gov or in-person at a USDA Service Center.

In addition to the self-service features, farmers.gov also has information on USDA programs, farm loans, disaster assistance, conservation programs and crop insurance.

Update Your Records

FSA is cleaning up our producer record database and needs your help. Please report any changes of address, zip code, phone number, email address or an incorrect name or business name on file to our office. You should also report changes in your farm operation, like the addition of a farm by lease or purchase. You should also report any changes to your operation in which you reorganize to form a Trust, LLC or other legal entity.  

FSA and NRCS program participants are required to promptly report changes in their farming operation to the County Committee in writing and to update their Farm Operating Plan on form CCC-902.  

To update your records, contact your County USDA Service Center. 

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