Doña Ana County Fire Rescue will celebrate a ceremony for the 17 firefighters who met all the requirements to graduate.

Fire Rescue Academy

Doña Ana Fire Rescue Academy 4 Graduates 17 Firefighters

Doña Ana County Fire Rescue will celebrate a ceremony for the 17 firefighters who met all the requirements to graduate at 1 p.m. Friday, April 5 at the Doña Ana Community College, East Mesa Campus Auditorium, 2800 N. Sonoma Ranch Blvd. in Las Cruces. The ceremony is open to the public.

Source: Doña Ana County News Release (Photo: Courtesy)

Each graduate completed a 16-week-long Fire Academy course and are certified by the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress, a non-profit, peer-driven, self-governing fire service organization.

Graduate firefighters are certified in hazardous materials or hazmat awareness and operation. They completed firefighter I and II, emergency vehicle driving, auto extrication and wildland fires training.  They are also certified in Emergency Medical Training, EMT, an additional 8-week course.

The 17 graduates listed below will be assigned to stations throughout Doña Ana County:

Miguel Amaya
Rodolfo Avalos
Daniel Bonilla
Cristian Cepero
Bryan Cummings
Anthony De Herrera
Sergio Fernandez
Joseph Henry
Rafael Herrera
Nicholas Howie
Christopher Kohn
Naomi Loya
Edgar Medina
Angel Meza
Edgar Meza
Ryan Montez
Mark Reyna

Start here to join the County’s Fire Rescue Department.

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