Registration for the Las Cruces Police Department’s popular Youth Leadership Summer Camp will be held Saturday, May 18, at Lynn Middle School.

Police Leadership Camp

In-Person Registration May 18 for LCPD Youth Leadership Summer Camp

Registration for the Las Cruces Police Department’s popular Youth Leadership Summer Camp will be held Saturday, May 18, at Lynn Middle School.

Source: City of Las Cruces

The free camp – presented by LCPD School Resource Officers and sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences at New Mexico State University – includes two 1-week sessions set to begin June 3 and June 10.

  • Session 1: June 3-7
  • Session 2: June 10-14

Youth ages 11-14, or at least entering 6th Grade, are eligible for the camp. Each session is limited to 20 students and students cannot participate in both sessions.

Registration for the camp begins at 9 a.m. Saturday, May 18, at Lynn Middle School, 950 S. Walnut St. Registration will continue until 4 p.m. or until both sessions are full. Camps tend to fill quickly, so early arrival is encouraged.

Parents or guardians must register students in-person. They are encouraged to arrive early to complete a registration form and select the session that best suits their summer schedule. Registration forms will be available the day of registration. No phone or electronic registrations will be accepted.

The Youth Leadership Summer Camp will run from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. each day. Breakfast and lunch will be served each day of the camp, and participants will receive a free camp T-shirt.

The camp aims to build confidence and self-esteem within students while emphasizing the importance of teamwork. Campers will build a rapport with police officers and learn some of the responsibilities officers face on a daily basis.

Classes are led by LCPD officers and professional staff from the Las Cruces Fire Department and the New Mexico National Guard. Students also take a field trip to the campus of New Mexico State University.

Spilling Beans

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