“Student Doctor of the Year”

Kevin Weiss

Kevin Weiss

Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine proudly announces Kevin Weiss as the recipient of the 2024 Student Doctor of The Year. This honor recognizes Weiss’s outstanding commitment to academic excellence and leadership.

Source: Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine “Just News” (Photo:Courtesy)

Mr. Weiss has distinguished himself as a dedicated and compassionate student doctor. Known for his unwavering dedication to patient welfare, Weiss consistently demonstrates the qualities of an exemplary future physician.

“Receiving this honor is truly humbling. It reaffirms my dedication to serving others and reminds me of the profound responsibility we carry as future physicians to make a positive impact in the lives of our patients and communities,” said Mr. Weiss.

As the 2024 Student Doctor of The Year, Mr. Weiss serves as a shining example of the values and ideals upheld by Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine. His commitment to medical education, coupled with his compassion for others, sets him apart as an inspiration for his peers and future healthcare professionals.

Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine congratulates Kevin Weiss on this well-deserved recognition and looks forward to witnessing his continued success as he embarks on his journey to become a physician.

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