A construction project within Las Cruces City Hall will force the temporarily relocation of utility payment cashiers to the building’s lobby.

Cashier/Utility Payments

Las Cruces City Cashiers to Temporarily Relocate

A construction project within Las Cruces City Hall will force the temporarily relocation of utility payment cashiers to the building’s lobby.

Source: City of Las Cruces

The temporary relocation of the cashiers will begin Friday, June 21, 2024. The construction project is anticipated to last several months. Utility payment cashiers will maintain in-person hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays, in the City Hall lobby, 700 N. Main St.
 The City of Las Cruces encourages customers to consider alternative options for paying monthly bills: 

  • After Hours: Deposit payments in the drop-box located between City Hall and Thomas Branigan Memorial Library.
  • Pay-by-Phone: Available 24-hours a day. Call (575) 541-2111 and press 4. E-check, Visa, MasterCard and Discover Cards are accepted.
  • Pay Online: Visit UtilityHawk to make a payment or set up an auto-draft for your utility bill.
  • Walmart: Pay with cash at any Las Cruces Walmart store. There is a $1 service fee.
  • One-time Payment: Visit PaymentUS to make a one-time payment online.
Spilling Beans

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