The approved amendment increases the amount to be spent in the contract between the City and Axon Enterprises Inc. of Scottsdale, Ariz., by $446,625.

Las Cruces City Council

Las Cruces City Council Amends Contract for Police Cameras

City Councilors met in regular session on Monday, Nov. 4, and approved a resolution that increases the amount to be spent on the contract that provides Axon body-worn cameras, Tasers and data storage for the Las Cruces Police Department.

Source: City of Las Cruces

The approved amendment increases the amount to be spent in the contract between the City and Axon Enterprises Inc. of Scottsdale, Ariz., by $446,625. The increase will allow LCPD to purchase more cameras, more storage capacity and the associated licensing for the product.

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The amended contract, set to expire Nov. 15, 2025, is now set at $2,324,799.

LCPD commissioned officers and investigators are mandated to utilize body-worn cameras during duty-related interactions with the public. Video from those interactions must be stored for a minimum of 120 days. Much of the money associate with the contract is for storage capacities.

LCPD has been using body-worn cameras since 2014. The City began the current five-year contract with Axon in November 2020.

Councilors also approved four items on the consent agenda that increases current contracts. They include increasing contracts not-to-exceed amounts of:

  • $550,000 for paint and body work services.
  • $530,000 for light duty automobile and truck parts and labor.
  • $490,000 for medium duty vehicle parts and labor services.
  • $1,325,000 for heavy duty vehicle parts and labor services.

Council also approved acceptance of a $175,000 grant from the New Mexico Department of Transportation’s Que Linda Program. The new beautification program supplements other state funding and is intended to help local beautification programs and make them more sustainable.

Funds will augment the Keep Las Cruces Beautiful program efforts such as the litter abatement team, school-wide cleanup days, educational anti-litter presentations and the Adopt-A-Spot program.

Monday’s City Council Meeting, along with all Council meetings and work sessions, can be viewed on the City’s YouTube Channel.

Las Cruces City Council will next meet in a work session at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 12, at Council Chambers, 700 N. Main St. The meeting is being held on Tuesday in lieu of the Monday, Nov. 11, Veterans’ Day holiday.

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