Tōfā soifua, Faaifoaoolelagi “Ifi” Matina Pili (“bowing of clouds in heaven”)

Ifo Pili

Las Cruces City Manager Ifo Pili Announces His Resignation

Las Cruces City Manager Ifo Pili has accepted an offer to become City Manager in another state.

Pili’s departure from Las Cruces is anticipated in March.

Source: City of Las Cruces News Release
[Editorial Comment: Our broader community thanks you for your time here, and wishes you the best as you continue your journey.]

“I have been honored to lead the City of Las Cruces for the last several years. It has been a privilege to work with a committed City Council and move their vision forward. I am proud of the work the staff has done and I know I will be hearing more about their future accomplishments.”

Pili began as Las Cruces City Manager on Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2020. As the City’s top administrator for more than three years, Pili has grown City government’s workforce to more than 1,800 employees. The City’s Fiscal Year 2024 budget of $519 million, which provides services and programs for more than 111,000 city residents, has steadily increased during his time as City Manager.

Numerous General Obligation Bond projects have been initiated and completed during Pili’s tenure as City Manager. The city also has seen several new projects and significant programs implemented, including enhancements at the Las Cruces Innovation and Industrial Park, the start of the LiftUp Las Cruces program, and the establishment of a Mobile Integrated Health unit for the Las Cruces Fire Department.

Mayor Eric Enriquez, who previously served with Pili as an assistant city manager, said Pili’s leadership of City government has been stellar.

“While we are sad to see Ifo leave Las Cruces, we know that he has built a strong leadership team at the City. We are lucky to have many highly qualified and dedicated professionals in this organization who could serve the community well as City Manager.”

Internal applications for the City Manager’s position began being accepted Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2024. The Las Cruces City Council will hire a new City Manager, and interviews are anticipated to begin in March.

A City Council announcement on the selection of a new City Manager is anticipated at an upcoming City Council meeting. The City Manager is the only position hired by the Las Cruces City Council.

Spilling Beans

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