The City of Las Cruces and the Las Cruces Police Department strongly encourage residents to consider the source of the information they see on social media before developing an opinion or sharing a post.

Social Media

Las Cruces Police Recommend Obtaining News from Reliable Sources

The City of Las Cruces and the Las Cruces Police Department strongly encourage residents to consider the source of the information they see on social media before developing an opinion or sharing a post.

Source: City of Las Cruces

Most posts on local, community-driven, social media pages are not confirmed or vetted by law enforcement or court records.
 On Sunday, an anonymous post on a popular social media platform included inaccurate and erroneous information about a Picacho Avenue shooting that occurred Saturday evening and left a woman with relatively minor injuries.
 The post described a “shootout on Picacho” and indicated there were “three victims” with “one dead” and “two suspects in custody.”
 That information from the anonymous post was not accurate.
 A news release issued by the Las Cruces Police Department Monday morning accurately described the events that took place Saturday evening on west Picacho Avenue.
 The public sharing of inaccurate information about law enforcement matters can hinder investigations and cause unnecessary stress and apprehension within the community.

Social media users are encouraged to get their information from reputable news organizations that regularly confirm or vet their information through the appropriate channels before sharing with their audiences.
 Those who wish to receive accurate and reliable information on law enforcement matters can follow the Las Cruces Police Department’s Facebook and Instagram pages.
 LCPD uses its Facebook page to post information – with accurate information and at the appropriate time – about critical incidents that occur within City limits.

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