Using less water now until your February 2025 bill will result in a lower sewer rate for the following 12 months.

Water Washing Hands

Las Cruces Utilities Customers Can Reduce Yearly Sewer Rate By Using Less Water Now Through February 

Las Cruces Utilities is calculating residential customer sewer rates for next year based on the amount of water residents use in the next four billing cycles.

Source: City of Las Cruces

What does this mean for residential customers? Using less water now until your February 2025 bill will result in a lower sewer rate for the following 12 months. LCU calculates the volume of water consumed at each home (metered dwelling) during the next four billing cycles (based on 1000 gallons of usage) and multiples the volume usage by 90% to determine the average amount used.

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The new average amount is used to calculate the yearly rate, and is then billed monthly. The first payment with the new rate begins in March of each year.

Current bills are the sum of:

Access Charge Per month: $8.26         
Volume Charge First 3,000 gallons: $2.00      (Per 1000 Gals)
Volume Charge Over 3,000 gallons: $3.79     (Per 1000 Gals)

Tax and Franchise Fee Applicable Tax and Franchise Fee are assessed by a Governmental Authority and not included in Cost-of-Service Rates.

For more information on Las Cruces Utilities rates for Water, Wastewater, Gas, Solid Waste please visit the city’s website at: LasCruces.Gov/UtilityRates. For help with analyzing your water and gas usage visit: LasCruces.Gov/UtilityHawk.

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