To Those Eligible for Medicare: Medicare plans aren’t “one size fits all.” Open Enrollment is your chance to review your Medicare coverage options, and find the best fit for you. You may save money, find better coverage, or both!  Visit to compare all your choices, and log in for a more personalized experience. Compare…


Medicare Open Enrollment Has Started. It Ends December 7–A Note From

health and human resources

To Those Eligible for Medicare:

Medicare plans aren’t “one size fits all.” Open Enrollment is your chance to review your Medicare coverage options, and find the best fit for you. You may save money, find better coverage, or both! 

Visit to compare all your choices, and log in for a more personalized experience.

Compare Coverage Options

Just as your health care needs can change from year to year, so can Medicare plans. And not all coverage options offer the same benefits.

Even if you’re happy with your current coverage, it’s important to check for any changes next year, and compare with other available options. You have until December 7 if you’re thinking about making a change.

Things to Consider:

Just as your health care needs can change from year to year, so can Medicare plans. Medicare Open Enrollment is your opportunity to find the coverage that works best for you. 

Take a few minutes to visit (and log in for a more personalized experience).

Compare Coverage Options

Here are 3 reasons why you should compare coverage options now:

  1. Your needs may change. You may find you’re going to the doctor more or less often, the prescription drugs you take may be different, or your health needs may have changed. Not all coverage options offer the same benefits.
  2. Plans can change from year-to-year. Review how your current plan’s costs and benefits will change in 2025, and compare against other available plans by logging in at
  3. New, more affordable Medicare coverage may be available. In 2025, all Medicare plans will include a $2,000 cap on what you pay out-of-pocket yearly for prescription drugs covered by your plan. So, it’s more important than ever to make sure your drugs are covered.

Review all your options to see if you could save money, find better coverage, or both. After comparing your choices, if you’re happy with the Medicare coverage you have now and it’s still being offered next year, you’re all set.


The Medicare Team

NOTE: If you make less than $22,591 a year ($30,661 for married couples), it’s worth applying for Extra Help.” Extra Help can pay for your prescription drug coverage (Part D) premiums, deductibles, coinsurance, and other costs. Visit or call Social Security at 1-800-772-1213 to apply for Extra Help.

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