Schools from all over New Mexico will take part in the 1st ever NMAA State Marching Band contest on Saturday October 26, 2024.

Centennial Band


Schools from all over New Mexico will take part in the 1st ever NMAA State Marching Band contest on Saturday October 26, 2024.

Source: New Mexico Activities Association
Photo Courtesy Lt. Governor Howie Morales (via Facebook)

The NMAA Marching Band Contest, in partnership with the New Mexico Music Educators Association (NMMEA), was initiated to provide an opportunity for high school marching bands to participate in a statewide marching band festival with the intent of bringing together New Mexico’s best bands in competition. State Marching Band Contest participants represent a variety of populations, school sizes, and geographic locations. Any marching band whose school is an NMAA member can participate in this festival if they meet eligibility requirements.

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The State Marching Band Contest Advisory Council provides professional content policies and makes recommendations, which support the rules and regulations set forth by NMAA and provides New Mexico marching band programs with an educationally sound and equitable State Marching Band Contest. The State Marching Band Contest Advisory Council members are selected representatives from each district. The site for the State Marching Band Contest is determined by NMAA.

Trophies are awarded to the top three bands in each classification and an NMAA State Banner is awarded to the first-place band in each classification. The 2024 classifications are: 5A and A-4A.

Additionally, caption awards are given in each classification.

The event will be held on:

October 26, 2024

Rio Rancho High School
301 Loma Colorado Dr NE
Rio Rancho, NM, 87124

Tickets for the event are available at

Schedule of Performances (Tentative)
October 26, 2024

Please refer to “Official Program” provided on competition day for “Field” designation. Potential errors may exist in the pre-published schedule, below.

Warm Up*FieldTransitHoldingPerformanceSchoolClass
7:15 AMA7:45 AM8:00 AM8:15 AMNew Mexico Military InstituteA-3A
7:30 AMB8:00 AM8:15 AM8:30 AMShiprock High SchoolA-3A
7:45 AMA8:15 AM8:30 AM8:45 AMMoriarty High SchoolA-3A
8:00 AMB8:30 AM8:45 AM9:00 AMDeming High School4A
8:15 AMA8:45 AM9:00 AM9:15 AMGadsden High School4A
8:30 AMB9:00 AM9:15 AM9:30 AMChaparral High School4A
* Warm up field letter is for both band and guard warm up fields

9:45 to 10:00 BREAK

Warm Up*FieldTransitHoldingPerformanceSchoolClass
9:00 AMB9:30 AM9:45 AM10:00 AMSanta Teresa High School4A
9:15 AMA9:45 AM10:00 AM10:15 AMLos Alamos High School4A
9:30 AMB10:00 AM10:15 AM10:30 AMPortales High School4A
9:45 AMA10:15 AM10:30 AM10:45 AMValencia High School4A
10:00 AMB10:30 AM10:45 AM11:00 AMSilver High School4A
10:15 AMA10:45 AM11:00 AM11:15 AMGoddard High School 4A
10:30 AMB11:00 AM11:15 AM11:30 AMLovington High School4A
* Warm up field letter is for both band and guard warm up fields

11:45 to 12:15 LUNCH BREAK

Warm Up*FieldTransitHoldingPerformanceSchoolClass
11:15 AMNA11:45 AM12:00 PM12:15 PMMayfield High School5A
11:30 AMA12:00 PM12:15 PM12:30 PMLa Cueva HS5A
11:45 AMB12:15 PM12:30 PM12:45 PMRio Rancho High School5A
12:00 PMA12:30 PM12:45 PM1:00 PMSanta Fe High School5A
12:15 PMB12:45 PM1:00 PM1:15 PMPiedra Vista High School5A
12:30 PMA1:00 PM1:15 PM1:30 PMLas Cruces High School 5A
12:45 PMB1:15 PM1:30 PM1:45 PMAlamogordo High School5A
1:00 PMA1:30 PM1:45 PM2:00 PMClovis High School5A
1:15 PMB1:45 PM2:00 PM2:15 PMCentennial High School5A
1:30 PMA2:00 PM2:15 PM2:30 PMManzano High School5A
1:45 PMB2:15 PM2:30 PM2:45 PMRio Grande High School5A
2:00 PMA2:30 PM2:45 PM3:00 PMVolcano Vista High School5A
2:15 PMB2:45 PM3:00 PM3:15 PMFarmington High School 5A
2:30 PMA3:00 PM3:15 PM3:30 PMV. Sue Cleveland High School5A
2:45 PMB3:15 PM3:30 PM3:45 PMRoswell High5A
3:00 PMA3:30 PM3:45 PM4:00 PMHobbs High School5A
3:15 PMB3:45 PM4:00 PM4:15 PMOrgan Mountain High School5A
3:30 PMA4:00 PM4:15 PM4:30 PMCibola High School5A
* Warm up field letter is for both band and guard warm up fields

4:45 Finals Annoucement

5:00 to 7:00 Dinner Break

Warm Up*FieldTransitionHoldingPerformanceClass
6:00 PMA6:30 PM6:45 PM7:00 PMA-4A Band 1
6:15 PMB6:45 PM7:00 PM7:15 PMA-4A Band 2
6:30 PMA7:00 PM7:15 PM7:30 PMA-4A Band 3
6:45 PMB7:15 PM7:30 PM7:45 PMA-4A Band 4
7:00 PMA7:30 PM7:45 PM8:00 PM5A Band 1
7:15 PMB7:45 PM8:00 PM8:15 PM5A Band 2
7:30 PMA8:00 PM8:15 PM8:30 PM5A Band 3
7:45 PMB8:15 PM8:30 PM8:45 PM5A Band 4
8:00 PMA8:30 PM8:45 PM9:00 PM5A Band 5
8:15 PMB8:45 PM9:00 PM9:15 PM5A Band 6
* Warm up field letter is for both band and guard warm up fields

9:45 Awards

Spilling Beans

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