New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service will host a virtual Green Chile Preservation Workshop in October.

Roasting Chile

NMSU Extension to host statewide virtual Green Chile Preservation Workshop

New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service will host a virtual Green Chile Preservation Workshop in October.

Source: NMSU News Release
DATE: Aug. 22, 2024
WRITER: Taeya M. Padilla, 575-646-3221,

New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service will host a virtual Green Chile Preservation Workshop to share safe home food preservation techniques on drying, canning, freezing and preserving New Mexican green chile. The workshop will be held from 10 to 11 a.m. Oct. 1, 8, 15 and 22 on Zoom.  

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The workshops are free and open to all New Mexicans. Registration is required, and the deadline is Sept. 30. Max capacity is 50 participants per workshop, and participants may attend one or all.
“This four-part series teaches people how to safely preserve New Mexican green chile and is the first of its kind,” said Amber Benson, Bernalillo County Extension Family and Consumer Science agent. “We are excited for the collaboration of Family and Consumer Science Agents in five different counties to bring this information to New Mexicans across the entire state.”
Topics covered include freezing chile, drying chile, freeze-drying chile and canning chile. All workshops will last an hour. 
“As New Mexico green chile popularity continues to grow all over the United States, we are excited about potential partnerships with other states like Arizona and Colorado, who may want to share this information as well,” Benson said.
This event is presented by Bernalillo, McKinley, Sandoval, Santa Fe and Valencia County Family and Consumer Science Cooperative Extension agents.
For more information, visit Registration is available at

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