A few of New Mexico State University’s College of Health, Education and Social Transformation graduate programs ranked in the “2024 Best Graduate Schools” list, including one in the top 100.

Health and Social Service

NMSU HEST grad programs earn multiple spots in U.S. News and World Report rankings

A few of New Mexico State University’s College of Health, Education and Social Transformation graduate programs ranked in the “2024 Best Graduate Schools” list, including one in the top 100. (NMSU photo by Josh Bachman)

Source: NMSU News Release
WRITER: Tatiana Favela, tfavela5@nmsu.edu, 575-646-7953

A few of New Mexico State University’s College of Health, Education and Social Transformation graduate programs ranked in the “2024 Best Graduate Schools” list, including one in the top 100. 

The programs include social work (tied 94), public health (tied 136), and speech-language pathology (tied 170). 

“The School of Social Work is extremely proud of our recognition as one of the Best Graduate Programs in 2024,” said Stacy Gherardi, interim co-director of the School of Social Work. “We look forward to continuing to support and empower the next generation of social workers to improve the lives of people in the state of New Mexico and beyond through our campus-based and online graduate programs” 

This recent list of rankings is based on the new survey-based rankings for 12 disciplines: public affairs, public health, social work, audiology, clinical psychology, nursing anesthesia, nursing midwifery, occupational therapy, pharmacy, physical therapy, speech language pathology, and computer science. 

The U.S. News Best Graduate Schools rankings are designed to help prospective students research more than 2,000 graduate programs. The list is based on two types of data: expert opinion about program excellence and statistical indicators that measure the quality of the school’s students, faculty, and research. 

For a look at the full list of recent rankings for top health schools, visit https://www.usnews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-health-schools

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