Helicopter flyover and cadets in uniform for Pass-in-Review at 2 p.m. Thursday, April 25 at Hadley Pride Field


NMSU ROTC hosts 122nd Presidential Pass-in-Review on Thursday, April 25

WHAT: 122nd Presidential Pass in Review and awards and scholarship ceremony

WHO: NMSU Air Force ROTC and Army ROTC

WHEN: 2 p.m. Thursday, April 25

WHERE: Hadley Pride Field on the Horseshoe 

VISUALS: Helicopter flyover and cadets in uniform for Pass-in-Review at 2 p.m. Thursday, April 25 at Hadley Pride Field; scholarship and award ceremony for ROTC students at 2:30 p.m. at Hardman and Jacobs Undergraduate Learning Center room 125

Source: NMSU News Release (Photo: Courtesy)
DATE: April 17, 2024
WRITER: Chloe D. Dunlap, 575-646-1614, chloedun@nmsu.edu
SOURCE: Patti Alarcon, 575-646-2136, palarcon@nmsu.edu

The New Mexico State University U.S. Air Force and Army ROTC will present the traditional public display of their cadets during the 122nd Presidential Pass-in-Review at Pride Field on the NMSU Horseshoe. The formal display will kick off with a helicopter flyover at 2 p.m. Thursday, April 25 followed by an awards and scholarship ceremony at 2:30 p.m. in the Hardman and Jacobs Undergraduate Learning Center room 125. The public is invited to attend.

The Pass-in-Review ceremony is based off of the active-duty military’s inspection processes and is intended to demonstrate the hard work the NMSU Army and Air Force cadets have invested during the year to work together seamlessly as a team.

Visitor parking passes are available from the NMSU parking website at http://auxadminforms.nmsu.edu/ParkingForms/ePermit.aspx. For more information about NMSU’s ROTC program, visit https://armyrotc.nmsu.edu.

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