Parks & Recreation will offer open recreation from June 5 to July 19, at the East Mesa Recreation Center, 5589 Porter Drive.

East Mesa Rec

Open Summer Recreation at East Mesa Rec Center

Parks & Recreation will offer open recreation from June 5 to July 19, at the East Mesa Recreation Center, 5589 Porter Drive. Open recreation hours will be from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Source: City of Las Cruces

Open recreation is self-guided recreation with amenities such as basketball, volleyball, cornhole, and the free summer food lunch program. To access open recreation opportunities, participants will be required to check in at the front desk and show a *Parks & Recreation Activity I.D. card upon arrival.

It is recommended that all children under the age of 18 be under the direct supervision of an adult 18 or older.

  • Ages 1 to 7: Allowed admittance to the facilities (recreation/community) centers under direct supervision and close proximity of an adult 18 or older. 
  • Ages 8 to 11: Must be accompanied by an adult 18 or older in the facilities.
  • Ages 12 to 13: This age group will be allowed access to most areas of the facilities without an adult.
  • Ages 14 to 17: This age group may participate in all recreation activities and will be permitted in with a parent/legal guardian signed waiver.
  • Ages 18 and over: This age group will be allowed full access to facilities.

First consideration will be given to youth during summer open recreation.

*To obtain a Parks & Recreation Activity ID card, a parent (guardian) and youth, must appear in person at East Mesa Recreation Center to fill out an annual waiver, provide proof of age and grade, and have participant photo taken. Activity ID cards can be obtained between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.

For more information, please call Recreation Programs at 575/541-2454 or email at

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