Our broader community saw over 7,000 dispatch records created for the week ending June 18, 2024.

Cruces 9-1-1 Traffic

Our Broader Community Sees 40 Auto Theft Calls: Traffic & Auto Dispatch Report (Blotter 6/2-6/18)

Follow Las Cruces Digest on Facebook to get weekly updates. Our broader community saw over 7,000 dispatch records created for the week ending June 18, 2024. Below, please find those responses related to traffic and motor vehicles, below. [Note: These numbers do not include any public safety activity performed by the New Mexico State Police Department, nor any other state or federal agency.]

A Las Cruces Digest Report By: Levi Gwaltney
Sources: Mesilla Valley Regional Dispatch Authority

Las Cruces — Mesilla Valley Regional Dispatch Authority created more than 7,000 dispatch records for the week; however, Las Cruces Digest presents primarily responsive actions taken by our public safety officers (police, fire, codes and EMT). These instances are broken down into specific subject areas to make the information more accessible to our broader community. This report focuses on specific responses to possible auto and traffic related incidents. Click the links below to see the other blotter subjects:

Detention CenterField of DreamsHoly Cross
Three CrossesElksAvenida
Farney/TortugasImmaculate HeartYoung Park
UniversityGood SamaritanTelshor
SonomaDel ReyCastle
BataanAnthony (South)Anthony (North)
Rincon/GarfieldDoña AnaOrgan
South ValleyChamberinoSanta Teresa
NMSUSunland Park (North)Sunland Park (South)

Detention Center District

Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Wed 06/12 08:55Traffic Complaint2024-00069420Las Cruces PD
Wed 06/12 14:22Traffic Complaint2024-00069599Las Cruces PD
Wed 06/12 15:02MVA-Non Injury2024-00044433DASO
Wed 06/12 18:04Auto Burglary2024-00069707Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 13:35MVA-Non Injury2024-00070048Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 15:00Codes – Parking2024-00070115Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 00:10DWI2024-00070288Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 11:16Reckless Driver2024-00070857Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 11:39MVA-Non Injury2024-00071592Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 10:15MVA-Non Injury2024-00072070Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 14:25Abandoned Vehicle2024-00072227Las Cruces PD

The Detention Center District is the neighborhood roughly defined as between Picacho Ave. and Amador Ave., West of Valley Drive.

Field of Dreams District

Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Wed 06/12 13:52Auto Burglary2024-00069588Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 12:42Traffic Complaint2024-00070030Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 08:38Auto Theft2024-00070399Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 08:43Codes – Parking2024-00070386Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 08:54MVA Hit & Run2024-00070384Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 21:00Illegally Parked Vehicle2024-00070675Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 06:16MVA-Non Injury2024-00070790Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 07:19Codes – Parking2024-00070825Las Cruces PD
Sun 06/16 10:36Auto Theft2024-00071177Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 09:24MVA-Non Injury2024-00071495Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 13:27MVA Hit & Run2024-00072206Las Cruces PD

The Field of Dreams District is the neighborhood roughly defined as west of Valley Drive and North of Picacho Ave.

Holy Cross District

Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Fri 06/14 11:40Obstruction2024-00070479Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 23:52MVA Injury Extra Response2024-00070728Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 14:26Vehicle Fire2024-00070906Las Cruces PD
Sun 06/16 00:41MVA Injury2024-00071064Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 04:47Obstruction2024-00071403Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 06:50Auto Burglary2024-00071434Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 00:56MVA Injury2024-00071906Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 14:39MVA Hit & Run2024-00072233Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 15:41MVA Hit & Run2024-00072271Las Cruces PD

The Holy Cross District is the neighborhood roughly surrounding Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church, between Alameda Blvd. and Valley Drive.

Depot District

Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Fri 06/14 18:14MVA Hit & Run2024-00070627Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 19:45Reckless Driver2024-00070649Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 08:44Codes – Parking2024-00071479Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 14:02Codes – Parking2024-00071696Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 15:11MVA-Non Injury2024-00071722Las Cruces PD

The Depot District is the neighborhood roughly defined as sout of Picacho Ave. and between Alameda Blvd. and Valley Dr.

Downtown Las Cruces

Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Wed 06/12 10:30MVA Hit & Run2024-00069481Las Cruces PD
Wed 06/12 10:49MVA-Non Injury2024-00069490Las Cruces PD
Wed 06/12 12:26Abandoned Vehicle2024-00069621Las Cruces PD
Wed 06/12 16:15MVA-Non Injury2024-00069668Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 09:58MVA-Non Injury2024-00069929Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 10:17Reckless Driver2024-00069943Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 11:25MVA-Non Injury2024-00069988Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 12:23Abandoned Vehicle2024-00070020Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 12:26MVA-Non Injury2024-00070021Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 12:52Reckless Driver2024-00070036Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 18:04MVA Hit & Run2024-00070182Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 18:48MVA Injury2024-00011399Las Cruces Fire
Fri 06/14 10:27Codes – Parking2024-00070438Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 11:15Obstruction2024-00070468Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 12:26MVA-Non Injury2024-00070493Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 13:38MVA-Non Injury2024-00070531Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 16:31Codes – Parking2024-00070787Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 05:56Codes – Parking2024-00070786Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 10:09Illegally Parked Vehicle2024-00070835Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 13:15Codes – Parking2024-00070890Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 18:39MVA Hit & Run2024-00070961Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 23:18Reckless Driver2024-00071040Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 12:03MVA Hit & Run2024-00071616Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 12:09MVA-Non Injury2024-00071618Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 12:37MVA Injury2024-00011636Las Cruces Fire
Mon 06/17 12:39MVA Hit & Run2024-00071639Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 13:32MVA-Non Injury2024-00071682Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 15:23MVA-Non Injury2024-00071738Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 18:22Obstruction2024-00071788Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 09:18Obstruction2024-00072025Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 11:41MVA-Non Injury2024-00072121Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 12:36Codes – Parking2024-00072159Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 13:53Abandoned Vehicle2024-00072210Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 16:04MVA-Non Injury2024-00072282Las Cruces PD

Parks District

Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Wed 06/12 10:30Codes – Parking2024-00069482Las Cruces PD
Wed 06/12 16:03MVA-Non Injury2024-00069661Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 10:14MVA Injury2024-00069935Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 11:05MVA-Non Injury2024-00069977Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 17:56MVA-Non Injury2024-00070173Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 07:53Auto Theft2024-00070348Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 13:14MVA-Non Injury2024-00070517Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 17:13MVA Hit & Run2024-00070613Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 10:33Codes – Parking2024-00070843Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 17:04Obstruction2024-00070941Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 18:45MVA Private Property2024-00070966Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 22:21Reckless Driver2024-00071028Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 22:23Reckless Driver2024-00071025Las Cruces PD
Sun 06/16 16:26MVA Hit & Run2024-00071250Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 16:19Codes – Parking2024-00071750Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 20:18Reckless Driver2024-00071825Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 12:20MVA-Non Injury2024-00072149Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 17:45MVA Hit & Run2024-00072317Las Cruces PD

The Parks District is the neighborhood surrounding Las Cruces’ recreational parks (Maag, Paz, etc.), roughly defined between Solano Dr. and Trivis Dr., north of Lohman.

Three Crosses District

Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Thu 06/13 13:42Reckless Driver2024-00070051Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 15:38MVA-Non Injury2024-00070590Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 16:07MVA Private Property2024-00070927Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 21:42DWI2024-00071009Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 08:37Codes – Parking2024-00071461Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 17:59MVA-Non Injury2024-00071782Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 09:39Auto Burglary2024-00072047Las Cruces PD

The Three Crosses District is the neighborhood surrounding the Three Crosses Regional Hospital (formerly the Las Cruces Country Club), roughly bounded by Triviz Dr., Solano Dr., Spruce Ave. and Main St.

Elks District

Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Wed 06/12 08:25Abandoned Vehicle2024-00069432Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 09:27MVA Injury Extra Response2024-00069912Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 05:55Auto Theft2024-00070319Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 07:50Auto Burglary2024-00070346Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 08:10Auto Burglary2024-00070361Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 11:43Auto Burglary2024-00070478Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 12:31MVA-Non Injury2024-00070495Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 13:57MVA Hit & Run2024-00070544Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 15:39Auto Theft2024-00070924Las Cruces PD
Sun 06/16 00:26MVA-Non Injury2024-00071061Las Cruces PD
Sun 06/16 08:14Auto Theft2024-00071140Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 00:53MVA Injury2024-00011604Las Cruces Fire
Mon 06/17 08:49MVA Injury2024-00071475Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 19:42Auto Theft2024-00071818Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 23:59MVA Injury2024-00011675Las Cruces Fire

The Elks District is the neighborhood roughly defined as being north of Main St. (Hwy 70) and west of Interstate 25.

Avenida District

Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Wed 06/12 22:14Auto Theft2024-00069766Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 09:12MVA-Non Injury2024-00070391Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 14:42MVA Hit & Run2024-00070563Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 15:57Auto Theft2024-00070598Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 22:20Vehicle Fire2024-00011481Las Cruces Fire
Fri 06/14 23:36Auto Burglary2024-00070725Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 17:59MVA Hit & Run2024-00070953Las Cruces PD
Sun 06/16 12:24MVA-Non Injury2024-00071194Las Cruces PD
Sun 06/16 14:21MVA-Non Injury2024-00071225Las Cruces PD
Sun 06/16 15:42MVA Hit & Run2024-00071239Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 01:53Auto Burglary2024-00071389Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 08:59Codes – Parking2024-00071486Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 09:41MVA-Non Injury2024-00071512Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 09:58MVA-Non Injury2024-00071520Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 22:33MVA Injury2024-00071870Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 06:55MVA Injury2024-00011687Las Cruces Fire
Tue 06/18 07:51MVA-Non Injury2024-00071976Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 08:33MVA Hit & Run2024-00072000Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 09:25Codes – Parking2024-00072034Las Cruces PD

The Avenida District is the neighborhood north of Avenida de Mesilla, including residential parts of Downtown (Brown Rd., El Prado Ave, etc.)

Farney/Tortugas District

Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Wed 06/12 10:35Auto Theft2024-00069483Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 15:45MVA Injury2024-00070119Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 15:03MVA-Non Injury2024-00070571Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 08:20Reckless Driver2024-00070816Las Cruces PD
Sun 06/16 11:57MVA Hit & Run2024-00071201Las Cruces PD
Sun 06/16 14:26Reckless Driver2024-00071224Las Cruces PD
Sun 06/16 15:25Auto Theft2024-00071236Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 08:10MVA Injury2024-00071445Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 08:12MVA Hit & Run2024-00071453Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 04:17Auto Theft2024-00071944Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 15:20Auto Theft2024-00072257Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 22:05Auto Theft2024-00072420Las Cruces PD

The Farney/Tortugas District is the neighborhood roughly defined as south and west of New Mexico State University, including the area just west of Las Cruces High School.

Immaculate Heart District

Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Wed 06/12 09:37Pursuit Foot/ Vehicle2024-00069451Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 10:18Reckless Driver2024-00069951Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 23:22Auto Burglary2024-00070276Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 21:23Reckless Driver2024-00071003Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 22:06MVA Injury Extra Response2024-00071020Las Cruces PD
Sun 06/16 03:44Auto Burglary2024-00071103Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 10:34Auto Burglary2024-00072084Las Cruces PD

The Immaculate Heart District is the neighborhood roughly defined between Missouri Ave. and Lohman Ave., and between Solano Dr. and El Paseo Rd.

Young Park District

Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Wed 06/12 06:22Auto Burglary2024-00069371Las Cruces PD
Wed 06/12 22:15Reckless Driver2024-00069768Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 09:23Codes – Parking2024-00069976Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 09:31Reckless Driver2024-00069927Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 18:38MVA-Non Injury2024-00070194Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 13:43MVA-Non Injury2024-00070536Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 22:08MVA Hit & Run2024-00070712Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 23:06Reckless Driver2024-00070716Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 22:37Reckless Driver2024-00071033Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 23:11Reckless Driver2024-00071038Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 23:46MVA Private Property2024-00071052Las Cruces PD
Sun 06/16 00:55Reckless Driver2024-00071067Las Cruces PD
Sun 06/16 14:15Vehicle Fire2024-00011577Las Cruces Fire
Sun 06/16 20:21MVA Injury2024-00011595Las Cruces Fire
Tue 06/18 10:16Auto Theft2024-00072073Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 21:22Reckless Driver2024-00072391Las Cruces PD

The Young Park District is the neighborhood roughly surrounding Young Park, between Solano Dr. and Triviz Dr., and Missouri Ave. and Lohman Ave.

University District

Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Wed 06/12 11:53Reckless Driver2024-00069535Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 07:30Auto Burglary2024-00070335Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 19:35Auto Theft2024-00070648Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 12:04MVA Hit & Run2024-00070872Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 19:58Auto Theft2024-00070982Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 23:36Reckless Driver2024-00071046Las Cruces PD
Sun 06/16 11:27Auto Burglary2024-00071198Las Cruces PD
Sun 06/16 13:10Abandoned Vehicle2024-00071208Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 11:43MVA-Non Injury2024-00071596Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 12:52MVA Hit & Run2024-00071653Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 20:54MVA-Non Injury2024-00071838Las Cruces PD

The University District is the neighborhood north of University Ave, between Triviz Dr. and El Paseo Rd.

Good Samaritan District

Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Sun 06/16 07:31Auto Burglary2024-00071131Las Cruces PD
Sun 06/16 09:06Obstruction2024-00071153Las Cruces PD

The Good Samaritan District is the neighborhood roughly defined as south of Missouri Ave. and east of Telshor Blvd.

Telshor District

Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Wed 06/12 20:11MVA Hit & Run2024-00069733Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 08:52Codes – Parking2024-00069893Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 09:07Codes – Parking2024-00069901Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 09:32Codes – Parking2024-00069913Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 08:37Codes – Parking2024-00070390Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 13:44Obstruction2024-00070535Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 09:52Reckless Driver2024-00070832Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 10:35Reckless Driver2024-00070846Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 22:44Auto Burglary2024-00071031Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 12:30Codes – Parking2024-00071630Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 19:45Codes – Parking2024-00071959Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 16:52MVA-Non Injury2024-00072294Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 18:13MVA Private Property2024-00072328Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 19:51MVA-Non Injury2024-00072362Las Cruces PD

The Telshor District is the neighborhood roughly defined as west of Telshor Blvd., between Lohman Ave. and Missouri Ave.

Sonoma District

Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Wed 06/12 11:41Codes – Parking2024-00069521Las Cruces PD
Wed 06/12 11:50MVA-Non Injury2024-00069527Las Cruces PD
Wed 06/12 12:20MVA Injury2024-00069544Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 14:45Codes – Parking2024-00070081Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 14:54Codes – Parking2024-00070086Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 18:20Reckless Driver2024-00070189Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 09:04MVA Private Property2024-00070392Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 13:19Codes – Parking2024-00070570Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 15:35MVA-Non Injury2024-00070586Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 01:21MVA Injury2024-00070758Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 01:41MVA Injury2024-00011491Las Cruces Fire
Sat 06/15 14:58MVA-Non Injury2024-00070916Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 19:12MVA Private Property2024-00070972Las Cruces PD
Sun 06/16 01:55MVA Injury2024-00011551Las Cruces Fire
Mon 06/17 06:38Auto Theft2024-00071413Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 07:30Auto Theft2024-00071426Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 07:43Codes – Parking2024-00071551Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 17:42Auto Theft2024-00071842Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 17:43Auto Burglary2024-00071781Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 02:29MVA Injury2024-00011683Las Cruces Fire
Tue 06/18 07:29Auto Theft2024-00071974Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 11:53Codes – Parking2024-00072130Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 14:59Codes – Parking2024-00072243Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 20:32MVA Injury Extra Response2024-00072381Las Cruces PD

The Sonoma District is the neighborhood roughly defined east of Telshor Blvd, west of Sonoma Ranch Blvd., and between Main St. and Lohman Ave.

Del Rey District

Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Wed 06/12 16:02Vehicle Fire2024-00011319Las Cruces Fire
Thu 06/13 05:36Auto Burglary2024-00069834Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 05:43Auto Burglary2024-00069835Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 05:44Auto Burglary2024-00069836Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 06:16Auto Theft2024-00069839Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 07:42Auto Theft2024-00069862Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 18:18MVA Hit & Run2024-00070184Las Cruces PD
Sun 06/16 00:19Auto Theft2024-00071058Las Cruces PD
Sun 06/16 06:14Auto Theft2024-00071122Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 05:34Auto Theft2024-00071410Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 16:03MVA Injury2024-00011730Las Cruces Fire

The Del Rey District is the neighborhood roughly defined as east of Interstate 25, west of Rinconada Blvd. and north of Main St. (Hwy 70).

Castle District

Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Wed 06/12 14:24MVA Injury2024-00069601Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 17:01MVA-Non Injury2024-00071853Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 10:01MVA Injury2024-00011705Las Cruces Fire
Tue 06/18 11:24Auto Burglary2024-00072119Las Cruces PD

The Castle District is the neighborhood roughly surrounding Organ Mountain High School, south of Bataan Memorial East, east of Sonoma Ranch Blvd.

Bataan District

Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Wed 06/12 01:17Obstruction2024-00069332Las Cruces PD
Wed 06/12 15:26MVA Injury2024-00069640Las Cruces PD
Wed 06/12 20:48Codes – Parking2024-00069846Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 06:30Auto Theft2024-00069843Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 09:05Codes – Parking2024-00069902Las Cruces PD
Thu 06/13 18:46Abandoned Vehicle2024-00070272Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 08:23Auto Theft2024-00070369Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 09:50MVA-Non Injury2024-00070415Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 09:53Codes – Parking2024-00070416Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 13:46Codes – Parking2024-00070559Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 13:53Auto Burglary2024-00070538Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 14:25Codes – Parking2024-00070568Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 19:57Reckless Driver2024-00070653Las Cruces PD
Fri 06/14 23:39Reckless Driver2024-00070726Las Cruces PD
Sat 06/15 18:40Codes – Parking2024-00071470Las Cruces PD
Sun 06/16 02:09Reckless Driver2024-00071082Las Cruces PD
Sun 06/16 04:34Reckless Driver2024-00071108Las Cruces PD
Sun 06/16 12:26MVA-Non Injury2024-00071209Las Cruces PD
Sun 06/16 17:05Reckless Driver2024-00071260Las Cruces PD
Sun 06/16 20:02Illegally Parked Vehicle2024-00006286Sunland Park PD
Mon 06/17 08:21Auto Theft2024-00071482Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 08:39Auto Burglary2024-00071465Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 09:08MVA Hit & Run2024-00071493Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 09:26Codes – Parking2024-00071521Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 10:32Auto Theft2024-00071556Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 11:58Auto Theft2024-00071642Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 12:53Codes – Parking2024-00071679Las Cruces PD
Mon 06/17 16:31MVA Hit & Run2024-00071754Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 06:42MVA-Non Injury2024-00071958Las Cruces PD
Tue 06/18 21:11Auto Burglary2024-00072402Las Cruces PD

The Bataan District is the neighborhood roughly defined as north of Main St. (Hwy 70) and east of Rinconada Blvd.

Anthony (South)

Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Fri 06/14 17:35Reckless Driver2024-00003777Anthony PD
Fri 06/14 19:48Illegally Parked Vehicle2024-00003760Anthony PD
Sat 06/15 20:34Reckless Driver2024-00003782Anthony PD
Sun 06/16 18:50MVA Hit & Run/Gas Leak2024-00004878County Fire
Tue 06/18 11:31Abandoned Vehicle2024-00003843Anthony PD

Anthony (North)

Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Wed 06/12 05:50Auto Theft2024-00003718Anthony PD
Thu 06/13 17:06Codes – Parking2024-00003753Anthony PD
Thu 06/13 19:07MVA Injury2024-00044850DASO
Thu 06/13 23:55Reckless Driver2024-00003750Anthony PD
Mon 06/17 17:55MVA Injury2024-00003824Anthony PD
Mon 06/17 18:37MVA-Non Injury2024-00003827Anthony PD


Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Sat 06/15 14:22Vehicle Fire/Burns2024-00004834County Fire
Sun 06/16 19:33MVA Injury Extra Response2024-00045603DASO
Mon 06/17 20:54Reckless Driver2024-00045793DASO

Doña Ana

Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Wed 06/12 13:28MVA-Non Injury2024-00044407DASO
Wed 06/12 14:25MVA Private Property2024-00003726Anthony PD
Wed 06/12 16:21MVA Private Property2024-00044458DASO
Wed 06/12 20:10MVA-Non Injury2024-00044551DASO
Thu 06/13 11:43MVA-Non Injury2024-00044735DASO
Fri 06/14 19:57Reckless Driver2024-00045146DASO
Fri 06/14 20:41Reckless Driver2024-00045155DASO
Sat 06/15 00:32DWI2024-00045187DASO
Sat 06/15 14:05MVA-Non Injury2024-00045332DASO
Sat 06/15 15:51Auto Theft2024-00045355DASO
Sun 06/16 03:55MVA Injury2024-00045492DASO


Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Thu 06/13 14:05Abandoned Vehicle2024-00044772DASO
Thu 06/13 19:52ATV Complaint2024-00044872DASO
Thu 06/13 22:29DWI2024-00044900DASO
Sat 06/15 17:40Reckless Driver2024-00045374DASO
Sat 06/15 20:50MVA Injury2024-00045415DASO
Mon 06/17 08:27Abandoned Vehicle2024-00045680DASO
Mon 06/17 14:12Abandoned Vehicle2024-00045723DASO
Tue 06/18 09:47MVA Injury2024-00045899DASO

South Valley

Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Wed 06/12 15:21Reckless Driver2024-00044440DASO
Wed 06/12 21:58Reckless Driver2024-00044574DASO
Thu 06/13 10:09Abandoned Vehicle2024-06130010County Codes/Animal Control
Thu 06/13 18:56Codes – Parking2024-06130030County Codes/Animal Control
Fri 06/14 11:44MVA Private Property2024-00045045DASO
Fri 06/14 21:13MVA Private Property2024-00045157DASO
Sat 06/15 07:06MVA Hit & Run2024-00045255DASO
Sat 06/15 13:10MVA Private Property2024-00045322DASO
Sun 06/16 00:23MVA Injury2024-00004856County Fire
Sun 06/16 19:00MVA Hit & Run2024-00045598DASO
Sun 06/16 19:55Codes – Parking2024-06160011County Codes/Animal Control
Mon 06/17 01:23Auto Theft2024-00045635DASO
Mon 06/17 12:01Abandoned Vehicle2024-00045708DASO
Mon 06/17 15:52MVA Private Property2024-00045735DASO
Mon 06/17 19:18Obstruction2024-00045774DASO
Tue 06/18 15:27MVA Hit & Run2024-00045959DASO
Tue 06/18 21:37Reckless Driver2024-00046007DASO


Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Thu 06/13 19:57MVA Hit & Run2024-00044876DASO
Fri 06/14 10:41MVA-Non Injury2024-00003754Anthony PD
Sat 06/15 11:51Obstruction2024-00045294DASO
Sat 06/15 18:49MVA Private Property2024-00045380DASO
Sun 06/16 19:07MVA Injury2024-00045597DASO
Tue 06/18 17:40MVA-Non Injury2024-00045977DASO

Santa Teresa

Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Thu 06/13 02:17Reckless Driver2024-00044626DASO
Fri 06/14 16:02MVA-Non Injury2024-00045090DASO
Fri 06/14 19:45Auto Theft2024-00045142DASO
Sun 06/16 07:25MVA Hit & Run2024-00045517DASO
Tue 06/18 11:35Abandoned Vehicle2024-00045925DASO


Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Thu 06/13 20:15Reckless Driver2024-00044880DASO
Fri 06/14 17:05MVA Hit & Run2024-00045100DASO
Sat 06/15 04:04DWI2024-00045222DASO

Village of Hatch

Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Wed 06/12 01:42MVA Injury2024-00001533Hatch PD
Fri 06/14 08:22Obstruction2024-00001555Hatch PD

Town of Mesilla

Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Sat 06/15 11:49Illegally Parked Vehicle2024-00001895Mesilla Marshal
Tue 06/18 17:17DWI2024-00001935Mesilla Marshal

NMSU Main Campus

Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Wed 06/12 15:13Reckless Driver2024-00005859NMSU PD
Wed 06/12 17:25MVA Injury2024-00005864NMSU PD
Thu 06/13 11:43MVA Hit & Run2024-00005875NMSU PD
Sat 06/15 04:02MVA Hit & Run2024-00005937NMSU PD
Sun 06/16 07:10Obstruction2024-00005982NMSU PD
Sun 06/16 12:14Illegally Parked Vehicle2024-00005987NMSU PD
Tue 06/18 13:27Illegally Parked Vehicle2024-00006067NMSU PD

Sunland Park (North)

Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Wed 06/12 13:48Codes – Parking2024-00006300Sunland Park PD
Tue 06/18 09:22MVA Hit & Run2024-00006337Sunland Park PD
Tue 06/18 12:50Codes – Parking2024-00006352Sunland Park PD
Tue 06/18 13:50Obstruction2024-00006355Sunland Park PD

Sunland Park (South)

Traffic Stops:


DateCall TypeIncident No.Primary Agency
Wed 06/12 18:09Reckless Driver2024-00006142Sunland Park PD
Thu 06/13 14:14Codes – Parking2024-00006299Sunland Park PD
Thu 06/13 14:43MVA Hit & Run2024-00006175Sunland Park PD
Thu 06/13 20:12Reckless Driver2024-00006181Sunland Park PD
Fri 06/14 08:57MVA Hit & Run2024-00006194Sunland Park PD
Fri 06/14 17:18Reckless Driver2024-00006205Sunland Park PD
Fri 06/14 19:45Obstruction2024-00006210Sunland Park PD
Sat 06/15 08:21Traffic Complaint2024-00006227Sunland Park PD
Sat 06/15 11:54Obstruction2024-00006235Sunland Park PD
Sat 06/15 19:22MVA Hit & Run2024-00006249Sunland Park PD
Sun 06/16 00:48DWI2024-00006260Sunland Park PD
Sun 06/16 02:40MVA Hit & Run2024-00006262Sunland Park PD
Sun 06/16 04:20Abandoned Vehicle2024-00006266Sunland Park PD
Sun 06/16 11:38MVA Private Property2024-00006272Sunland Park PD
Sun 06/16 15:36MVA Injury Extra Response2024-00001188Sunland Park Fire
Sun 06/16 17:16Codes – Parking2024-00006298Sunland Park PD
Sun 06/16 19:19Auto Theft2024-00006283Sunland Park PD
Tue 06/18 12:40Auto Theft2024-00006350Sunland Park PD
Tue 06/18 17:16MVA-Non Injury2024-00006358Sunland Park PD
Spilling Beans

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  • Welcome, Aggies, to the Era of “Name, Image and Likeness”

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