The farm-to-city migration created a great demand for food supplies in dense population centers in which such supplies could not be grown.

Freezer Section

Since March is “Frozen Food Month”, Here are some Frozen Food Facts

The farm-to-city migration created a great demand for food supplies in dense population centers in which such supplies could not be grown.


From The American Presidency Project: Proclamation 5157—Frozen Food Day, 1984:

“Throughout history, one of the primary goals of human effort has been the production of food. The farm-to-city migration created a great demand for food supplies in dense population centers in which such supplies could not be grown. The frozen food industry has made great strides in recent decades to respond to consumer needs.

“The international frozen food industry started in the United States. Frozen vegetables, fruit, meat, and fish were first packaged and offered to consumers in 1930, contributing greatly to the convenience of life and freeing consumers permanently from the cycle of limited seasonal availability of many foods.”

Key Stats

Source: 2018 – 2021 Annual Survey of Manufactures (ASM) 

Frozen food manufacturing: This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing frozen fruit, frozen juices, frozen vegetables and frozen specialty foods (except seafood), such as frozen dinners (including entrees and side dishes), frozen pizza, frozen whipped toppings, frozen waffles, and pancakes and French toast.

Table AM1831BASIC01, Annual Survey of Manufactures: Summary Statistics for Industry Groups and Industries in the U.S.: 2018 – 2021, showing these North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes:

NAICS 311412, Frozen Specialty Food Manufacturing

Note: The table above shows just a few of the columns. Click on the image for the full table.

From Business and Economy  /  International Trade:

USA Trade Online, the Official Source of Trade Statistics. Includes over 300 commodities related to frozen food imports and exports, including:

  • 0202 Meat of bovine animals, frozen
  • 0203 Meat of swine (pork), fresh, chilled or frozen
  • 0204 Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen
  • 0207 Meat and edible offal of poultry, fresh, chilled or frozen
  • 0303 Fish, frozen, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat
  • 0710 Vegetables (uncooked or cooked by steam or boiling in water), frozen
  • 0811 Fruit and nuts (uncooked or cooked by steam or boiling in water), frozen
  • 2009.11 Fruit juices, orange juice, frozen

Note: After you create an account, select “Harmonized System (HS) District-level Data (Exports or Imports)” and type “frozen” in the “Commodity” search box. More information can be found in the Quick Start Guide.

Source: 2017 Economic Census.

Table EC1700BASIC, All Sectors: Summary Statistics for the U.S., States, and Selected Geographies: 2017, showing the eight NAICS codes listed above

Outside Links

American Frozen Food Institute 

American Frozen Food Institute, Frozen Food Facts

National Frozen & Refrigerated Foods Association, March Frozen Food Month 

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Freezing and Food Safety

Frozen Food Day: March 6, 2024

Spilling Beans

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