Las Cruces Public Libraries invites residents to join us from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, May 26, 2024, in Albert Johnson Park, at the southeast corner of Main Street and Picacho Avenue, to observe National Paper Airplane Day.

Paper Airplane

Summer Fun: National Paper Airplane Day is May 26

Las Cruces Public Libraries invites residents to join us from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, May 26, 2024, in Albert Johnson Park, at the southeast corner of Main Street and Picacho Avenue, to observe National Paper Airplane Day.

Source: City of Las Cruces

We will be creating and decorating paper airplanes to compete in distance, time aloft and best decorated categories. This program is free, and all supplies will be provided.

Albert Johnson Park is accessible via RoadRUNNER Transit Route 1.

For information, contact Shaunna Foster, Library Assistant II, at (575) 528-4024 or by email at

This document can be made available in alternate formats by calling (575) 528-4102. Anyone who requires an accommodation for a disability to participate in this event should call Thomas Branigan Memorial Library at least 48 hours in advance at (575) 528-4102.

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