Toss No Mas is a community-wide cleanup effort that utilizes volunteers who contribute to the improvement and beautification of the local environment.

Toss No Mas

Toss No Mas Community-wide Cleanup is Oct. 12

The City’s Keep Las Cruces Beautiful Program, part of the Parks and Recreation Department, is inviting volunteers to participate in the Toss No Mas community-wide cleanup event on Saturday, Oct. 12, 2024.

Source: City of Las Cruces

Toss No Mas is a community-wide cleanup effort that utilizes volunteers who contribute to the improvement and beautification of the local environment. Individual volunteers, groups, businesses and civic organizations are encouraged to participate.

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KLCB is collaborating with Keep Dona Ana County Beautiful, the Town of Mesilla, the South-Central Solid Waste Authority and the New Mexico Department of Transportation for the Toss No Mas cleanup event.

Those interested in participating can register through the Keep Las Cruces Beautiful website.

Supplies for the cleanup can be picked up at the Frank O’Brien Papen Community Center, at 304 W. Bell Ave, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Oct. 7 to Oct. 10.

For more information, please contact the Keep Las Cruces Beautiful Program at (575) 528-4506 or by email at

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