The State of New Mexico was awarded a grant by US Treasury that seeks to provide technical assistance to Very Small Businesses, and Socially Economically Disadvantaged businesses.

NM Economic Develpment Department

WANTED: Qualified Business Technical Assistance Providers; New Mexico EDD Issues Request for Proposals

Request for Proposals: SSBCI 2.0 Technical Assistance RFP# EDD-SSBCI-2.0-TA
The State of New Mexico was awarded a grant by US Treasury that seeks to provide technical assistance to Very Small Businesses, and Socially Economically Disadvantaged businesses. NMEDD is looking for qualified business technical assistance providers in the areas of Financial Advisory, Legal, and Accounting, and Venture Capital interested businesses and Emerging Fund Managers, to provide technical assistance to qualifying businesses. An informational webinar will be held on February 27.
ISSUANCE: The RFP will be issued on February 19, 2024. Interested parties may obtain the document on the EDD website at:
PROCUREMENT MANAGER: Address all questions to Shani Harvie, JEDI Coordinator. Email: 
PROPOSAL DUE DATE AND TIME: Proposals must be received no later than 5:00 PM MT on March 18, 2024. SSBCI RFP Application
This deadline has been added to the Las Cruces Digest Calendar.
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