Munson Senior Center will experience a water outage on the evening of Tuesday, June 25.

Water Outage

Water Outage Planned for Tuesday at Munson Senior Center

Munson Senior Center will experience a water outage on the evening of Tuesday, June 25.

Source: City of Las Cruces

The water outage, planned for 5-9 p.m. Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at Munson Senior Center, 975 S. Mesquite St., will allow Highland Enterprises to connect a new waterline as part of a planned addition to the center.

This project is in Council District 2.

Nearby customers may also be affected by the water outage. Crews will post door hanger notices on nearby homes or businesses that may experience water outages.

Once service is restored, residents may notice discolored water due to iron, manganese and calcium deposits. Although the water is safe to drink, City officials recommend waiting for the water to become clear before washing laundry.

The discoloration should disappear within 24 hours. If water discoloration continues for more than 24 hours, residents should flush all faucets for five minutes. If the discoloration remains, call the City at (575) 526-0500 for assistance.

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