USDA’s Agricultural Research Service and Cornell University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences broke ground on the new National Grape Improvement Center on Wednesday in Geneva, New York. Deputy Secretary Torres Small and Senator Chuck Schumer (NY) were on hand to celebrate the new state-of-the-art USDA grape research facility on the Cornell AgriTech campus.

Xochitl Torres Small breaks ground

Where’s Xochitl, Now? Part Five

USDA’s Agricultural Research Service and Cornell University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences broke ground on the new National Grape Improvement Center on Wednesday in Geneva, New York. Deputy Secretary Torres Small and Senator Chuck Schumer (NY) were on hand to celebrate the new state-of-the-art USDA grape research facility on the Cornell AgriTech campus.

Source: USDA

USDA, Cornell University Break Ground on National Grape Improvement Center

The over 70,000 square foot facility will house the ARS Grape Genetics Research Unit and ARS Plant Genetic Resources Unit. In addition, four Cornell grapevine research projects will move into the research facility. ARS and university employees will focus on research to advance grape production through interdisciplinary research, breeding and technology transfer. Their work will aim to enhance grape production efficiency, profitability and sustainability for the United States grape industry.

Las Cruces Digest is proud of the work Xochitl Torres Small is doing for our nation, and her outstanding representation of our broader community.

Spilling Beans

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