This post includes video content of an appearance by Xochitl Torres Small on popular Las Vegas morning show, “Morning Blend”.

Xochitl Torres Small

Where’s Xochitl, Now (Part 22)–Talking Healthy School Meals and Local Food in Las Vegas [Video Content]

This post includes video content of an appearance by Xochitl Torres Small on popular Las Vegas morning show, “Morning Blend”.

Deputy Secretary Torres Small began the week in the Silver State, where she visited Three Square, a food bank that provides necessary food and nutrition support for residents of Southern Nevada. While there, she highlighted the Biden-Harris Administration’s historic support that helps emergency food providers purchase locally grown food from producers in their communities.

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While in Las Vegas, the Deputy Secretary stopped by a local television station to highlight the Healthy Meals Incentive (HMI) Initiative, which is a key part of USDA’s efforts to improve the nutrition of school meals. USDA and Action for Health Kids hosted the Healthy Meals Summit in Las Vegas this week. 

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