They discussed how USDA’s historic Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities initiative is helping more producers access climate-smart agricultural practices to create new markets for their products and generate more income.


Where’s Xochitl, Now? Part Twelve: Secretary, Deputy Secretary Visit Wisconsin to Highlight Investments in Climate-Smart Commodities 

To begin the week, Secretary Vilsack and Deputy Secretary Torres Small traveled to Milwaukee to host an Investing in America Town Hall at Central Standard Crafthouse and Distillery, where they highlighted how USDA investments are helping unleash new opportunity across rural America.

Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture

They discussed how USDA’s historic Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities initiative is helping more producers access climate-smart agricultural practices to create new markets for their products and generate more income. The Secretary and Deputy Secretary heard firsthand from attendees and answered questions on a wide range of topics, including USDA’s competition efforts, investments in small and mid-sized operations, steps to expand local and regional food systems, and more.

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Read more in Urban Milwaukee: U.S. Agriculture Secretary Touts Climate-Smart Farming in Milwaukee Visit

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