Don’t forget to register and mark your calendars for the upcoming Southern New Mexico Resource Advisory Council meeting on Jan. 23 and 24.

Outdoor BLM

Zoom Into the Southern New Mexico Resource Advisory Council Meeting (January 23 and 24)

Don’t forget to register and mark your calendars for the upcoming Southern New Mexico Resource Advisory Council meeting on Jan. 23 and 24.

Source: Bureau of Land Management – Las Cruces District (via Facebook)
Photo: Courtesy

Don’t forget to register and mark your calendars for the upcoming Southern New Mexico Resource Advisory Council meeting on Jan. 23 and 24. See the agenda in the link below and get your registration in for the public ZOOM meeting.

The Southern New Mexico Resource Advisory Council (RAC), composed of citizens chosen for their expertise in natural resource issues, helps the BLM carry out its stewardship of public lands in Las Cruces and Pecos Districts and Socorro Field Office.  The RAC consists of 12 members with an interest or expertise in public land management, including such individuals as conservationists, ranchers, outdoor recreationists, state and local government officials, Tribal officials, and academics.  The diverse membership of the RAC helps ensure that BLM land managers get the varying perspectives they need to achieve their mission, which is to manage the public lands for multiple uses.

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